COVID-19 Service Update – November 2020

The safety and wellbeing of our community (colleagues, customers, suppliers, and the public) continues to be the most important thing for us. We’re committed to following government measures in all areas of our business and to continuing to serve our clients throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

As an ESSENTIAL SERVICE PROVIDER, AFS are continually reviewing our systems and processes to ensure we are doing all we can during these trying times.

Our current measures include…

Hands – All our team have been provided with hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes and have been instructed about the importance of good hand hygiene. Additional cleaning and sanitising of our offices and vehicles has been implemented. Sanitising stations have been placed throughout our office with appropriate signage.

Face – All team members have been provided with appropriate face coverings.

Space – Our office-based team are now operating from home with full access to our systems. Our engineers have been split into teams to minimise contact between team members. Use of video conferencing has been implemented across our company making contact with staff and clients faster, easier, and safer. Our team have been instructed in the importance of social distancing particularly indoors and are operating according to 2-meter distancing protocols. Our office remains open for deliveries with minimal staff in attendance. Unfortunately no visitors are permitted at this time. Social distancing signage has been installed throughout our office.

Corona Virus Policy